Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Day In The Life Of A Homeschooling Family :: The Motchnik Family

:: Tell us a little about your family, how long you have been homeschooling and the ages of your children.

We have 5 children; Devon (21), Marcus (13), Gianna (11), Grace (7) & Nathan (4). We just moved to Illinois 4 years ago this summer from KY. Even though I grew up here, everyone once in a while something with a twang falls out of my mouth or the mouths of my kids. We are just wrapping up our 3rd year of homeschooling. The kids and I (hopefully my husband to follow) are just starting a new adventure of Revolutionary War Reenactment.

:: Do you use a particular method?  Share with us a few of your favorite curriculum.

We definitely have an eclectic style of homeschooling, but do fall more on the side of structured schooling.   Math-U-See has been a life saver for us - even for the kids will different learning styles.  Easy Grammar is the other curriculum piece that we use consistently among the kids. It has given Marcus & Gianna both such a solid grammar base.  I am definitely a fan of unit studies! Our favorites have been the American Girl (as in the doll) History series and anything from Homeschool Legacy.

:: Are you involved in a co-op, and/or do you participate in homeschool groups?

Have participated in the CHARIS co-op in Sugar Grove, but this year I felt like I needed the extra time since I was adding in a 4th child. We belong to a few homeschool groups, but mostly just activity based versus academic based.

:: Do you follow a strict schedule, predictable rhythm, or do you work your lessons around that day's activities?

We probably land somewhere between predictable schedule and plan around activities.  I lesson plan every Sunday night for the week.  I start by filling in our activities and then plan a typical list around that.  We do not do a certain schedule for the day however.  The kids do their work in whatever order they choose.  Sometimes they will work ahead to have an empty day during the week.  I do have them get up by 8, eat breakfast, do chores and start by 9.

:: How long does it take you to do school everyday?

Oh boy, that totally depends on motivation.  Nathan is typically done before 10am. Gianna is almost always done right after lunch if not before.  Marcus and Grace range somewhere between 10am and 4pm depending on how many distractions have popped up. 

:: Could you share with us a little about American Heritage Girls?  How did you get started, and why do you feel other girls would benefit from it?

AHG has been a huge part of our lives for the last 3 years.  I really loved girl scouts as a child, but today, the organization doesn't quite line up with our family's belief system, so we wanted an alternative. We had found a small (11 girls) troop in Sugar Grove, but last year, it dissolved. Two other leaders and myself decided to start our own troop in Big Rock. We finished our year with 32 active girls! American Heritage Girls is a christian based scouting group that really teaches the core principles of Christianity; a relationship with God versus being "religious", respecting others, and striving to be like Christ through putting others first, serving and loving everyone. The girls are also taught to respect and honor our country while tapping into our country's rich history.

:: What advice would you give to other homeschooling families?

My biggest piece of advice is get to know your children and their passions.  Then support them and give them the tools the need to pursue something they will love. If they have a passion for what they do in life, they will succeed.  Just remember that success looks different for everyone. 

Thank you for taking the time to share with us, Amy!


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